tanah besar amerika syarikat bahasa Inggris
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
- besar: ample; big; big one; booming; considerable;
- amerika: america; american; americas; shreveport; grand
- amerika syarikat: usa; united states
- syarikat: co.; company; firm; line; business enterprise;
- jabatan keselamatan tanah air amerika syarikat: united states department of homeland security
- setiausaha keselamatan tanah air amerika syarikat: united states secretary of homeland security
- duta besar amerika syarikat ke pbb: usunambassadors
- duta besar amerika syarikat ke pertubuhan bangsa-bangsa bersatu: list of ambassadors of the united states to the united nations
- syarikat amerika syarikat: companies of the united states
- syarikat elektronik amerika syarikat: electronics companies of the united states
- syarikat farmaseutikal amerika syarikat: pharmaceutical companies of the united states
- syarikat insurans amerika syarikat: insurance companies of the united states
- syarikat internet amerika syarikat: internet technology companies of the united states
- syarikat kimia amerika syarikat: chemical companies of the united states